Team Pipelines play an integral role in your business by helping you visualize business operations stage by stage. For example, sales reps gather data at different stages of the sales pipeline, some of which is key to closing the deal. It's not ideal to make these fields mandatory during deal creation, as reps might not have that information yet. For example, let's say reps have to enter the date they gave a product demo in the Demo given on field, but it's not possible to mandate this field during deal creation, as they might not have the information initially.
To ensure that such key information is not missed, and to maintain consistent data across the pipeline, we offer stage transition rules in Bigin.
Stage transition rules enable you to specify what information users need to provide when they move a pipeline record from one stage to another. By creating transition rules you can achieve the following:- Improve the process of tracking and capturing key details related to a pipeline record.
- Avoid incomplete and bad data in the Pipelines module.
- Maintain consistent information across the Pipelines module.
Users with administrator profile can create and manage transition rules and restrict pipeline record closure.
To create transition rules
- Log in to your Bigin account with administrator privileges
- Go to Settings > Sub-Pipelines and Stages > Stage Transition Rules.
- Select the desired team pipeline and sub-pipeline from the dropdown.
- Click +New Rule.
- In the Create New Rule pop-up, enter the following:
- From Stage: Choose a desired source stage from the dropdown. Select Any Stage if you want the fields to be filled out whenever a pipeline record is moved to the To Stage irrespective of the source stage.
- To Stage: Choose a destination stage from the dropdown. Whenever a pipeline record is moved to this stage from the From Stage, Bigin will prompt the user to fill the fields specified in this rule.
- Mandate information to be provided: Here, you can mark certain fields as mandatory, such as the following:
Notes: The user must add a note has to be added to the record to move the record from one stage to another.
Files: The user must attach files to the record to move the record from one stage to another.
Checklist: You can create a checklist of all the to-do items that need to be completed in order to move a record from the From Stage to the To Stage.
These checklist can also be seen in records' related lists. Users can check off the actions completed and partially save them. Saved actions can also be undone
You can also move to the respective stages directly from here. If some of the mandated fields still aren't completed, a pop-up is displayed. The Save button becomes a Move to Next Stage button after all mandated fields are completed.
- Click Save.
Once this rule is saved, users will start seeing the prompt below whenever they move a pipeline record between the stages specified in this rule. Users must fill the fields mentioned in the rule in order to move the pipeline record to the destination stage.
- You can create up to 30 transition rules for each pipeline.
- Each transition rule can have a maximum of five fields to be filled during transition (including notes).
- Checklists should have at least one checklist value and can have a maximum of 10 values.
- Stages/pipelines associated with transition rules cannot be deleted.
- No two transition rules can have the same from and to stages.
Restrict pipeline record closure
You can prevent pipeline records from being closed during specific stages. This prevents a pipeline record from being closed prematurely and allows a pipeline record to go through all the important stages in the pipeline. For example, in the sales pipeline, you can restrict a deal (pipeline record) from being closed during the not contacted, qualified, or Needs Analysis stages. These restrictions can be customized for each pipeline.
To restrict pipeline record closure
- Log in to your Bigin account with administrator privileges.
- Go to Settings > Pipelines and Stages > Stage Transition Rules.
- In the Restrict Pipeline Records Closure tab, click +Stage.
- Select the stages in the desired pipeline from which users should not be able to close the pipeline record directly.
- Click Save.
Once this is saved, users will start seeing the below message whenever they try to prematurely close a pipeline record from the specified stages.
- When generating a new stage transition rule that moves from an open stage to a closed stage, if closure restrictions are currently active for the given source stage, creating the rule with that specific stage combination will not be permitted.
- If you intend to set up closure restrictions for a stage that already has an existing stage transition rule involving any of the closed "To Stage" choices, enabling a restriction for that stage will only be possible after removing the pre-existing stage transition rule. We will guide users through this procedure with appropriate prompts.