In what languages can I use the India edition of Zoho Books?

In what languages can I use the India edition of Zoho Books?

Currently, you can use the India edition of Zoho Books in English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu.

To change the language in which you use Zoho Books:

  • Go to Settings on the top right corner of the page and select Organization Profile.
  • On the Organization Profile page, scroll down and click the dropdown next to Language. Select the language in which you want to use Zoho Books.
Select Language
  • Click Save.

The Zoho Books app will reload to apply the changes, and you will be able to use Zoho Books in the language you chose after the reload.

Warning: You will be able to view the default chart of accounts in the language you select while creating an organisation. This language setting will remain unchanged for the default chart of accounts even if you change the language in which you use Zoho Books afterward.

If you change the language in which you use Zoho Books, you’ll also have to update the font of the existing templates to support the language selected. To change the font of a template:

  • Go to Settings and select Templates.
  • Hover over the template for which you want to change the font and click Edit.
Click Edit in the template
  • On the Edit Template page, click the PDF Font dropdown in the Template Properties pane and select a font that supports the language in which you are use Zoho Books. The following are the fonts you have to use for the respective regional languages:

    • Gujarati - Hind Vadodara
    • Hindi - Hind
    • Kannada - RTL
    • Marathi - Hind
    • Tamil - Hind Madurai
    • Telugu - RTL
  • Click Preview and verify that the data is in your selected font.

  • Click Save.

Note: The language setting will not be applicable to the customisations made to the headers, field labels, etc., of your existing templates. You’ll have to change them manually.

If you haven’t started using Zoho Books yet, you can sign up for Zoho Books and choose your preferred language while setting up the organisation.