What are the accounts for which I can create sub-accounts in Zoho Books?
The accounts that you create or the pre-defined accounts in Zoho Books will support sub-account creation if their account type is:
- Cash
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Equity
- Expense
- Fixed Asset
- Income
- Long Term Liability
- Other Asset
- Other Current Asset
- Other Current Liability
- Other Expense
- Other Income
- Other Liability
- Stock
The pre-defined accounts in Zoho Books that support the creation of sub-accounts are:
- Advance Tax
- Advertisement and Marketing
- Automobile Expense
- Capital
- Construction Loans
- Consultant Expense
- Contract Assets
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Credit Card Charges
- Depreciation and Amortization
- Depreciation Expense
- Distributions
- Dividends Paid
- Drawings
- Employee Advance
- Employee Reimbursements
- Fuel/Mileage Expenses
- Furniture and Equipment
- General Income
- Interest Income
- Investments
- IT and Internet Expenses
- Janitorial Expense
- Job Costing
- Labor
- Lodging
- Material
- Meals and Entertainment
- Merchandise
- Mortgages
- Office Supplies
- Opening Balance Offset
- Other Expenses
- Owner’s Equity
- Parking
- Petty Cash
- Postage
- Prepaid Expenses
- Printing and Stationery
- Raw Materials and Consumables
- Rent Expense
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Sales
- Subcontractor
- TDS Payable
- TDS Receivables
- Telephone Expense
- Transportation Expense
- Travel Expense
- Undeposited Funds