Zoho CRM Record Locking: Configuration and Usage

Zoho CRM Record Locking: Configuration and Usage

Certain business scenarios demand records in modules within your organization to be restricted from edits or deletion once they reach a certain stage in your sales process or satisfy some specific condition. Record locking is a configuration that allows you to lock those records manually or automatically when certain conditions are met.
Scenario 1
Let's say a deal has reached the final stage, or has been closed won or lost. The records for the deal, like the deal amount, discount offered, or the quotes exchanged, should not be edited. You can configure record locking for the deals module such that once a record reaches a certain stage it will be locked.
Scenario 2
Let's say a record is in proposal review. During that stage, the record details will be verified. Even though a sales representative may be the owner of the record, you cannot allow them to update the records while the review is ongoing, as these details will be considered for rating. This is when you can set up locking as well.
Scenario 3
There can also be scenarios where the quotes can still be edited by the accounts team but be restricted from edits of any other profile. These records can simply be locked for all other profiles except the profile for the users within the accounts team.


Permission Required

Users with Customize Modules permission can configure record locking for a module.

Locking Configuration 

You can set up the locking configuration for different modules to lock records manually or automatically.
There can also be situations when the record doesn't match the criteria, but the user dealing with the record can decide to lock the record to avoid changes. In such cases, they can manually lock it and decide when to unlock it later.
However, even when the record is locked, a few fields that do not affect the business process can be left editable. For example, in the case of closed deals, the Description field or Comments fields can be left editable

Automatic locking 

Upon enabling automatic locking:
  1. You can set up to five rules per module. Each rule will have a name that will be displayed on the record detail page when a record is locked.
  2. You can select whether to lock records for all profiles or all profiles with a few exceptions.
  3. You can select the actions that will be restricted for the records. The Edit option is restricted by default.
  4. Allow fields that can be modified even when the record is locked.

  1. Fields like layout field, pipeline field, and subform aggregate fields will not be available in the restricted fields list.
  2. In some cases, fields that cannot be edited directly on the details page will also be listed in the available fields list. Such fields, when allowed, can be updated through API.
    Ex: Pricing model field in price-books module and Pipeline field in deals module.

Modules that support record locking:

Sales Orders
Purchase Orders
Price Books
Custom Modules 
Once a record is locked, the lock icon will appear on the record image or next to the record name. Only the fields allowed will be available to edit. The details of the locking, such as the reason (i.e. the locking condition), locking date, and the fields available for editing will be shown on the details button.

You can also see the details with the timestamp of when the record was locked and the condition that was followed in the record's timeline.

To configure record locking
  1. Navigate to Setup, then under Customization, go to Modules and Fields.
  2. Then go to the module you want to set up locking for.
  3. In the Locking Configuration tab, click Configure Now.

  4. On the Locking Configuration page, do the following:

    1. Toggle Manually to enable or disable users with lock permission from manually locking records.
    2. Toggle Automatically to enable locking records when certain criteria are met.

      Set a name for the rule, and provide the various criteria to be met, to lock the record, and save it.
    3. For automatically locking records, check the box if you want existing records meeting the set criteria to be locked.
    4. Settings for locked records:
    5. Lock records for Select whether to lock records for all profiles or all profiles with a few exceptions. You can select the exceptions from the multiselect.

    6. Lock records for portal users: Check the box if you want to lock the records that are accessible to your portal users.

    7. Restricted Actions: Select the actions that will be restricted for the locked records.

      Edit action is restricted by default.
    8. Fields allowed to be modified: Select the fields that will be allowed to modify for a locked record.

  5. Click Save.

To delete the lock configuration
  1. Navigate to Setup, then under Customization, go to Modules and Fields.
  2. Then go to the module you want to delete the locking configuration for.
  3. In the Lock Configuration tab, click Delete.

  4. On the pop-up, click Yes, Delete.

Manual locking  

Users with profiles with the Lock permission for records can manually lock records if manual locking is configured for a module.
The profile permission will be available in Tools under Module Permissions. Upon enabling it for a profile, the administrator can select the modules for the profile to lock.

To lock a record manually
  1. Go to the specific module and open the record.
  2. On the Record Detail page, click on the three dots menu on top-right.

  3. Click Lock.
  4. In the pop-up, provide a reason for locking.

  5. Click Lock.

The behaviour of Locked Records 

  1. Record Details page: On the Record Details page, a lock icon will be shown with the record image, as well as on the UI of the record detail page you will see "Record is locked" along with the options to check details about the locking, and the option to unlock.

    The timeline of the record will also show the locking details.

  2. List View:  On the list view, locked records will be shown with a lock icon.

    Additionally, you can filter records on the list view based on the pre-defined filter option, as well as use the system-defined custom view.

  1. The system-defined custom view and filter option will only fetch records that are locked according to the record-locking configuration.
  2. You can mass update locked records if the fields to be updated are allowed to modify in the record-locking configuration.
  3. If you delete the rule in the record locking configuration, the records locked through those rules will be unlocked automatically. If the locking configuration is deleted, all the records in the module will be unlocked.
  4. When an org is downgraded to lower editions of Zoho CRM, the locked records will be automatically unlocked; the locked status cannot be regained upon upgrade.
Special Cases 
  1. Automation effect on locked records 
    Locked records can still go through automated processes like workflow, Assignment rules, Approval processes, and Scoring rules when the locked record is triggered for specific rules. This can happen when a user who has permission to update locked records triggers these processes. This is to ensure that the data behaves as per the configured automated rules.
    Let's assume there is a workflow rule that is configured such that a field update happens to the records on record creation or update. In this case, if a user who is excluded from Record locking edits the record that is locked for other users, the corresponding field update triggers.
    The same thing happens for other automation features as well.
  2. Blueprint cases  
    A record that already entered a Blueprint can still be locked automatically if it satisfied the lock rule criteria. In such a case, the blueprint transitions will be hidden in the details page of the record.
     A user who has permission to edit locked records can perform the transitions if they are eligible as per the respective Blueprint configuration.
  3. Integration sync 
    In a few of the Organization level integrations, there can be sync between records of both products. For example, integration with Zoho Desk allows you to set up contact sync between Zoho CRM and Zoho Desk.
    In such cases, if a contact that is locked in CRM is updated in Zoho Desk, the update happens in CRM too. This is followed to make sure that the data is always consistent on both ends.
    At the same time, locked records will still be pushed to Zoho Desk from CRM.
    Other examples of the same flow- are Zoho Projects and Zoho Finance Suite.

    In user-specific integrations like Google contact sync and Microsoft sync, the locked records will not be pushed to the integrated product if the user using their account for such sync, is not excluded from locking.
Points to remember
  1. Related list records can still be associated with locked records. There will be no restriction for Related list associations.
  2. However, locked records cannot be associated as Related list records for a normal parent record. When a record is associated through a related list, the corresponding lookup field gets updated. However, since the record is locked, the corresponding lookup field should not be updated. Hence, locked records cannot be associated through Related lists.
  3. If the corresponding lookup field is allowed to be modified as per record locking configuration, this association can happen without any restriction.
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