1. How can I see how many records are eligible to be sent mass emails?
Open the List View, filter the records using the smart filter for "email is not empty", "email is not blocked", "email opt out is not selected". This will give the exact number of records which will be sent the mass email.
2. Mass emails sent from CRM are landing in recipients' spam folders.
Perform the email authentication and email relay.
3. If more records are selected than the daily limit, will the email be automatically sent on the next day?
Emails will not be sent automatically on the next day. You will have to filter the records using the smart filter set to "Email status" > "Not sent" > "Yesterday" to find the records that were skipped due to limits and then send the mass email to those records.
4. The Sent Email Statistics show incorrect information when compared with the result of using the smart filter.
Go to the audit log and check whether any records were deleted or converted after the mass email was sent.
5. Why are the Sent Email Stats are in a different language?
The language selected in the personal settings of the sender determines what language the Sent Email Stats are displayed in.
6. Is it possible to send mass email to leads or contacts associated with a campaign?
Yes, it is possible to send mass email to leads associated with a campaign by following these steps:
- Open the campaign record
- Select the records from the related list
- Click Send Email.
7. Can a user edit a mass email schedule which was created by a different user?
A mass email schedule can only be edited, stopped, or started by the user who created it. Other users can only view or delete the email.
8. When does the daily limit for mass emails reset?
The mass email limit will be reset based on the time zone set on the company details page.
9. Which email server are the mass emails sent from?
If an email relay is configured, emails will be sent via the company's server. If not, they will be sent via Zoho's server.