For instance, your organization is located in the US and the business hours is 9 am to 5 pm in the US timezone, now if your company extends its services in other countries like Europe, Japan or India, you can create shift hours for these particular timezones. Similarly, if the employees in your organization work at different timings (afternoon shift, morning shift), you can create shifts for their work timings. Additionally, you can also create Holiday Lists for different locations and associate it to shifts.
Use the Business Hours to define the working hours of your organization. Depending on the working hours of your organization, you can choose either 24/7 or 24/5 as the business hour. In addition, if your organization follows different timings on each day or functions on weekends, you can customize the business hours to suit your requirement.
To set business hours
You can create shifts for users who work in different timezones or timings. For instance, if a user works for clients based at the US you can create a shift for the US timezone and assign it to the user. Also, depending on the business exigencies you can transfer an user from one shift to another. While transferring, you can choose to transfer the user immediately or at a later date. If a transfer is scheduled for a later date, you are allowed to select any date up till 6 months.
A) To create shifts
B) To assign shift
You can include the break hours for every shift, that will help know the user's availability during a particular shift. It will help you plan events with their availability in mind. Also, if an event is created during the break hours an alert will be thrown notifying about the users unavailability.
Similar to shift hours, you can choose the same or different break hours for each day in a week. Below are few important points you need to consider before defining the break hours:
To add break hours
In Zoho Recruit you can create a holiday list depending on different locations. Each shift can be associated to a single holiday list per year at a given point of time. You can create a holiday list for the current as well as the forthcoming year.
A) To create a holiday list
B) To edit a holiday list
You can mark yourself unavailable for a particular time of the day in the Zoho Recruit calendar, this will ensure that the user is alerted about your unavailability if an event is created for that time.
To mark yourself unavailable
You can assign an event to the user based on their availability. If an event is assigned on a day which is either marked unavailable or not a working day of the user, you will be alerted to reschedule the event to another day. You can either reschedule the event or assign it anyway irrespective of the user's availability.