Troubleshooting - Books
Can my customers save their card details in the customer portal?
Yes, It is possible to save card details in the customer portal. For making payments using Credit/Debit card, clients can enter their card number, CVV, expiry date, billing address and the country to make payment They can choose to save their card ...
Zoho Books - Can my customer download his “Customer Statement” from within the customer portal?
The Statements tab on the navigation panel inside the customer portal contains a Statement of Accounts which is nothing but the customer statement. It can be printed or exported as PDF using the respective options provided right inside the portal.
Zoho Books - How can my customer update the card details in the customer portal?
To do this, your customer needs to log into the portal, click on the arrow next to his name and select the option ‘My Account’. Options to modify contact and credit card details can be found here.
Can I have my customer pay for an invoice directly, without going through the portal?
Yes. You can send a direct payment URL using the Share Invoice Link option. Here’s how: Go to the Invoices module on the left sidebar. Select the invoice for which you want to share a direct payment URL. Click the More dropdown in the top-right ...
How can my customers pay an invoice via the portal?
After logging in to the customer portal, your customer can choose a transaction and click on the corresponding Pay Now button. A method of payment can also be chosen
How do I check if my client has viewed the quote/invoice I’ve sent him?
You can simply click on the particular quote or invoice and check if it has been viewed by the client. A tiny eye icon on the right corner accompanying the word Viewed suggests that the client has seen it. Alternatively, go to the quote or invoice ...
Why can’t I enable customer portal for my vendors?
Customer portals are exclusive to your Zoho Books customers and cannot be configured and shared with your vendors. The portal displays only the transactions associated with your customers, such as quotes, invoices and retainer invoices. These ...
Will I be able to change my customer’s email address? Will he now able to view the old invoices in the customer portal?
Yes, you can change the email address of a customer. Send him a portal invitation again using the new mail ID, using which he can create a password and log back into the portal. Once this is done, he can view all old invoices you’ve sent him
Zoho Books-My client is trying to enter his Zoho credentials for the portal but it is not going through. What’s the issue?
No, your client’s zoho credentials are not to be used in order to log into the customer portal. When you send a portal invite to the email address of your client and they accept it, they will be requested to create a new password using which they can ...
When I comment on a document and mark the “Display in customer portal” option, will my customer receive an email?
Yes, they will if you’ve enabled this under settings. Go to Settings - Organization Profile Click on Change Portal Settings Check the box Send a notification email when I comment on invoices/quotes Your customers will now receive notifications when ...
Zoho Books- I can’t seem to find an option to enable customer portal for this contact.
This might occur if the contact to whom you are trying to grant portal access has a contact type “Vendor”. In order to grant portal access you need to change the Contact type as “Customer”. In order to change the contact type, follow the below steps ...
Can I grant portal access to multiple contacts that have the same contact person?
No, it is possible to grant portal access to only one of the contacts with that contact person.
How can my customers login to the customer portal?
Whenever, you enable portal access, an invitation mail will be triggered automatically from Zoho Books. Your customers need to accept this invitation in order to access the portal. To enable the customer portal for a contact for the first time, in ...
Zoho Books -Can I set a password for the customer portal? If yes, how do I do it?
Yes, you can. Here’s how you can do it: Open the contact for whom you wish to set the portal password. Click on Configure Customer Portal, if you have already enabled it for the customer. If not, click on Enable Customer Portal. In the pop-up that ...
Zoho Books- Can I change my portal name? Will this cause any impact?
Yes, you can change your portal name. To do this, Go to Settings - Organization Profile Click on Change Portal Settings Make the necessary changes and hit Save. Now, the portal URL is modified accordingly. You will have to invite each of your ...
I am getting a “Portal name already taken” message.
This is because the name that you have specified for your customer portal is already taken by another Zoho Books user. Since portal name has to be unique, you need to specify another name for your customer portal.
Can I customize the portal invitation mail content?
Yes, you can. Here’s how: Go to Settings icon on the top right and select More Settings. Scroll down to Email Templates. Navigate to Customer Portal Invitation and select Show Mail Content . Now you can edit the text and click Save after you’re done.
My portal is disabled. How do I enable it?
This might occur if you migrated your organization from Zoho Invoice to Zoho Books. Even though portal might have been enabled for the organization in Zoho Invoice, it would get disabled during migration by default. To enable the portal, send your ...
Is it possible to setup a custom domain for my portal?
Yes. You can setup custom domains for your portal. You can access the feature by navigating to Settings -> Preferences -> Branding -> Custom Domain. The process involves mapping your domain with Zoho Books followed by installing a Group-SSL ...
Zoho Books - What is the use of the customer portal?
The customer portal is an organized way to view the invoices, quotes and retainer invoices sent to your customer. If you’ve enabled the customer portal for your business in Zoho Books and configured it for your customers, they can view their ...
What are the accounts for which I can create sub-accounts in Zoho Books?
The accounts that you create or the pre-defined accounts in Zoho Books will support sub-account creation if their account type is: Cash Cost of Goods Sold Equity Expense Fixed Asset Income Long Term Liability Other Asset Other Current Asset Other ...
What are the accounts that cannot have a sub-account or a parent account in Zoho Books?
Accounts in Zoho Books can either be created manually or could be system generated. Each account can have sub-accounts and parent accounts. However, there are few accounts that cannot have either of it. Here’s a list of such account types and account ...
How do I notify my accountants in Zoho Books when I’ve changed their user roles or permissions?
Accountant role users in Zoho Books can be notified through email when the admin updates their role, deletes the user or marks them inactive. To notify them: Go to Settings > Users & Roles. Select the Accountant in Zoho Books whose role/permissions ...
How do I configure my chart of accounts?
You can edit, delete or mark an account as inactive directly from the Chart of Accounts. Here’s how: Go to Accountant > Chart of Accounts. Click the Gear icon next to the account you want to configure. Select the action that you want to perform upon ...
How can I record a loan given to an employee/business?
There might be cases where you would have given a loan to one of your employees or to another business. To record such transactions in Zoho Books, you must first create an account to record your loan. Here’s how: Go to the Accountant module on the ...
Why are Customer/Vendor Payments recorded against Unearned Revenue instead of Accounts Payable/Receivable?
When you receive an excess payment from a customer or record a single payment to multiple invoices, the payment is generally tracked under Unearned Revenue. Assume the case, where you receive $1000 from a customer. This is applied to 4 invoices, ...
How do I record a contribution towards pension of my staff in Zoho Books?
You need to record Pension contribution as an expense to your company. For that you need create an expense account and a liability account to track the pension payable. Create an expense with the newly created Expense account and pay for it through ...
How do I record tax on profit?
Taxes on profits can be recorded by creating an expense with Tax Payable as the expense account. To create an expense: Go to the Purchases tab on the left sidebar and select Expenses. Create an expense by clicking + New. Select Tax Payable under ...
Why do we need to use Base Currency Adjustments?
It is to have an insight on the profit or loss incurred due to the change in exchange rates and also can apply the changes to open transactions.
Why do we need to use Base Currency Adjustments?
It is to have an insight on the profit or loss incurred due to the change in exchange rates and also can apply the changes to open transactions.
What is the use of a manual journal?
Manual journals are generally used for recording credits and debits of unique transactions which cannot be recorded directly in Zoho Books. Eg: Depreciation rates cannot be handled directly and needs a journal entry to record it.
What is Transaction Locking?
When your business accounting period closes and you wish to freeze your transactions in the period from being modified or deleted is when Transaction Locking comes into play. Once Transaction lock in enabled, all transactions before the set date ...
Can I disable transaction locking to start modifying previous transactions?
Yes you can, just check the Enable Transaction Locking box off.
How can I add an Accounts Receivable account in a currency that is not my base currency?
Zoho Books does not provide an option to create an Accounts Receivable account with a currency that is not your base currency.
How do I reverse a journal entry in Zoho Books?
Reverse journal entries are usually created at the start of a new accounting period to remove any adjustments that were made in the previous accounting period. If you’ve created a journal entry and would like to undo it without deleting it, then you ...
Is it possible to change the email address with which I access my Zoho Books account?
Yes. You can change the email address with which you access your Zoho Books organization. You can find the list of scenarios and the the corresponding steps you could use to change your email address. Case 1: If you’ve signed up for Zoho Books using ...
My Zoho Books account is currently linked with G Suite. I would like to disable the G Suite integration and want to access my account with a username and password. How do I do it?
To sign in directly, you must set up a Zoho username and password. To set up a Zoho account, please follow the instructions below: Go to Specify your main email address in the “Enter your registered email address” ...
Zoho Books - Why does the closing balance in the Customer Balances Summary report not match with the accounts receivable in the Balance Sheet report?
The accounts receivable section in the Balance Sheet report displays the outstanding receivables for the selected period. However, if you’ve recorded payment for transactions created for a future date, those payments will be tracked under unearned ...
Zoho Books -Why does the data available in the Customer Balances report differ from the data available in the Customer Balances Summary report?
The Customer Balances Summary report includes the customer balances for the selected period, whereas the Customer Balances report includes the customer balances that are applicable for the selected period and future dates. To access the same ...
Will I be able to retrieve deleted transactions in Zoho Books?
No, once you delete a transaction, you cannot retrieve it in Zoho Books. However, you can view the transaction’s details from the Activity Logs and Audit Trial report. You can create a new transaction based on the details of the deleted transaction. ...
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