How can I associate TDS Liabilities for my employees?
Once you’ve recorded a challan, you can associate the pending liabilities of employees to the challan of any given period. To associate employees: Go to Taxes and Forms on the left sidebar and click Challans. Switch to the Unassociated tab. Click ...
What should I do after associating the TDS Liabilities to my employees?
Once you associate the TDS liability details, you can view the TDS breakdown for all employees for whom you’ve approved the pay run and record the challan in Zoho Payroll for these Liabilities. Here’s how you can record the challan for your TDS ...
How to associate the pending liabilities of employees to the challan?
Once you’ve recorded a challan, you can associate the pending liabilities of employees to the challan of any given period. To associate pending liabilities: Go to Taxes and Forms on the left sidebar and click Challans. Switch to the Unassociated tab. ...
How can Zoho Payroll help me submit Form 24 Q?
In Zoho Payroll, the Form 24Q module can generate the text file based on each employee’s salary and TDS information. Once you generate the text file, you’ll have to attach the text file and generate the .fvu file using the FVU tool provided by the ...
Can Form 16 be published on a later date once it’s generated?
If you want to publish Form 16 on a later date after it is generated, leave the signed form as such in the Form 16 tab. Click Publish whenever you want your employees to receive them. If you’ve published it already and want to send it again to your ...
Can we add a second signature as the signing authority in Form 16?
No. The Form 16 should be signed only by the tax deductor of the the organisation.
Can I sign Form 16 using e-mudhra?
No. It is not possible to sign Form 16 using e-mudhra in Zoho Payroll.
Can Zoho Sign be used to sign the Form 16?
Zoho Sign cannot be integrated with Zoho Payroll. Hence, you cannot use it to sign the Form 16.
Can I sign the Form 16 using DSC offline and publish it using Zoho Payroll?
Yes, you can download the complete Form 16 files from Zoho Payroll and sign it offline using a digital signature certificate. However, you cannot directly upload these files to Zoho Payroll and publish them. So, here’s a workaround for you to upload ...
Can we change the tax deductor name for the previous financial year?
Yes, you can change the tax deductor information inside Zoho Payroll under Settings > Taxes. Here, you can change the tax deductor information by choosing the employee name from the dropdown list. The Deductor’s Father’s Name will appear ...
What if the tax deductor is not an employee in the organisation?
A tax deductor is assigned in every organisation to dutifully collect the taxes from its employees and submit it to the Government. If the tax deductor is not an employee in the organisation, Zoho Payroll still allows you to add this member as the ...
How does TDS Calculation work in Zoho Payroll?
TDS is calculated for each employee automatically based on the CTC of the employee. The total earnings, and deductions of an employee is projected for a financial year. Based on the tax slab that the projected taxable income falls into, the tax is ...
Should contract workers be provided with a Form 16?
It should be noted that Form 16 is available only for salaried employees. Contract workers are not eligible to receive Form 16. However, employers need to provide the Form 16A for contract workers.
Are there any deadlines for generating the Form 16?
Zoho Payroll does not stipulate any deadline to generate Form 16 for your employees. However, the Government of India sets a deadline and it is usually June 15, by when the employers should issue Form 16 to their employees.
How will the User and Employee licenses be counted in the Zoho PeoplePlus suite?
For Zoho Payroll accounts integrated with Zoho PeoplePlus, the User and Employee licences are counted thus: If you purchase 10 user licenses in Zoho PeoplePlus, you can add up to 10 users in Zoho PeoplePlus with unique email addresses. In the Zoho ...
I have purchased an adequate number of user and employee licences in Zoho Payroll, yet I am unable to add users and employees. Why?
The user and employee licenses must be purchased only for the whole suite and not individual applications. Check the existing number of user and employee licenses under Zoho People Plus > Users > Active Users and purchase additional licenses if ...
I’ve already been using a premium version of Zoho Payroll. Will I have to pay again for Payroll in the Zoho People Plus suite?
No. We will exclude the charges for your Zoho Payroll account on a prorated basis. You will have to pay only for the remaining applications.
My Zoho Expense Organisation ID and Zoho Payroll Organisation ID are different. How can I integrate both the accounts in Zoho People Plus?
If you have an existing Expense account in Zoho People Plus, you can only add the Zoho Payroll account with the same Organisation ID and vice-versa.
Can I make salary payments from multiple accounts and post corresponding journal entries to Zoho Books?
Currently, we do not support making payments from multiple bank accounts. However there is a workaround to pay your employees from different accounts and post corresponding journal entries to Zoho Books. Here’s how: Go to Settings > Zoho Apps > Zoho ...
How do I remove Zoho Payroll from the Zoho One suite?
To remove Zoho Payroll from the Zoho One suite, write to
How will the user/employee data be handled in the Zoho One suite?
Any change done in user-employee information will be reflected in the other app. User information editing, re-inviting user, and status related handling (i.e. marking status active/inactive/delete) can be done through any of the apps. Employee ...
Will terminated employees be counted as add-ons?
Terminated employees will not be taken into account provided the Date of Termination of these employees falls before the Zoho Payroll start date. However, an employee with “Terminated” status will be counted as an add-on until the Termination Payroll ...
How will the User and Employee licenses be counted in the Zoho One suite?
For Zoho Payroll accounts integrated with Zoho One, the User and Employee licences are counted thus: If you purchase 10 user licenses in Zoho One, you can add up to 10 users or employees in Zoho One with unique email addresses. Employees who are ...
How do I add employees and users in Zoho Payroll after the integration?
Employees can be added from both Zoho One and Zoho Payroll and the data will be synced to the other application. Users can be added only through Zoho One. If a customer tries to add a user in Zoho Payroll, they will be redirected to Zoho One.
Why is Zoho Payroll not listed in my Zoho One suite?
Zoho Payroll will be listed in Zoho One suite only for Customers with country listed as India in Zoho accounts. Customers who use any of the India edition Zoho Finance apps in the Zoho One Suite.
Should I purchase Zoho Payroll separately or will it be included in the Zoho One suite that I had purchased?
Only Zoho Payroll – India edition is available as a part of the Zoho One suite. So, if you have subscribed to the Zoho One India edition suite, you don’t have to purchase it separately.
How do I add Zoho Payroll to the Zoho One suite?
To add Zoho Payroll to Zoho One: Go to the Applications module in Zoho One. Click + Add Application from the top right corner of the page. Enter Payroll in the Search tab and click Add. Select the payroll organisation you want to associate with Zoho ...
Can I terminate an employee without pay?
We do not have an option to terminate an employee without pay. We have a workaround for this. In case you want to terminate an employee without paying them, Go to the Employees module from the left sidebar. Select the employee you want to terminate. ...
Can I pay a terminated employee at a later date?
Yes, you can pay an employee at a later date. When you are terminating an employee in Zoho Payroll, choose the Pay on a given date option and then, select a convenient date for the Final Settlement of the employee. You can disburse the settlement ...
Can I process final settlement without terminating the employee?
No, it is not possible to process final settlement without terminating the employee in Zoho Payroll.
Can I back date the termination of an employee?
Back dating an employee’s termination refers to selecting a last working day from the previous month(s) while the employee is on the current payroll. It is possible to back date termination in Zoho Payroll. To do this, you have to delete the recorded ...
Can I import the details of employees who were teminated in the prior payroll?
Yes, you can import terminated employees details. To import: Go to the Employees module in the left sidebar. Click the More icon in the top right corner and select Import Data. From the dropdown menu, select Employee Details under Complete Employee ...
How can I undo termination if the termination payroll is already processed?
To undo termination when the Termination Payroll is processed: A. Delete the recorded payment. To do so: Go the Pay Runs module. Click the More icon and select Delete Recorded Payment. B. Reject the pay run. Click the More icon and select Reject ...
How can I undo termination if the termination payroll is not processed?
To undo termination: Go to Termination Payroll draft > Select Delete Payrun. Next, Go to the employee’s profile under Terminated Employees. Click the More icon and select Revert Termination. Enter a reason and click Proceed. Now, the employee will be ...
I have changed the status of an employee as Terminated in Zoho People but the employee is still added in the current regular payroll. Why?
Ensure that the Date of Exit and Employee Status (Terminated) is updated in Zoho People. To do this: Go to Zoho People > Settings > Employee Profiles. (Select Users if you can’t find the employee in Employee profiles) Select respective employee’s ...
How can I change the Last Working Day of an employee for whom I have already run the payroll?
To modify the Last Working Day of an employee, you have to delete the recorded payment, revert the previous payroll and then terminate the employee in the previous pay run.
How can I add the Last Working Day for an employee in Zoho Payroll?
If you want to terminate an employee, you need to update the employee’s last working day, after which you can process the termination payroll. The procedure differs depending on whether Zoho Payroll is integrated with Zoho People. Case 1: Zoho ...
How can I send revision letters to all the employees for whom salary has been revised?
You can send revision letters for the regular payrolls you’ve processed. Here’s how: Click Approvals on the left sidebar. Click Send Revision Letters in the top right corner. Select the payout month for which you would like to send the salary ...
How does the approval process work in Zoho Payroll?
In Zoho Payroll, the approval process involves reviewing and approving various types of requests from employees, including reimbursement claims, proof of investments (POIs), and salary revisions. Here’s how the approval process works for each type: ...
How do I review the proof of investments of employees?
To approve proof of investments (POI), follow these steps: Click Approvals on the left sidebar and select Proof of Investments. Click the POI that you want to review. Go through each line item in the POI, enter an approved amount, and click Approve. ...
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